
I saw some olympic running out of the corner, and then the front, of my eye. It seemed some people were running much faster than others, but not going as far. Which reminded me of seeing 88 drummers playing at the same tempo by the La Brea tar pit recently, and thinking that some looked to be playing much faster than others.

I have a possibly related private problem: when running I seem to have 'gears', and I can't always get to the one I want, and can't even tell what another gear would be like, but just that there's some other way I could be doing things that's not fully accessible to me.

could we have sports where the objective isn't to move oneself fastest through space, but just to move oneself the fastest? Body music! Brings to mind an old discussion with the aforementioned Saunier: the fastest drummer -- not the most impulses per unit time, but the most sudden impulse. the drummer who doesn't need drums, but rather plays sonic booms by breaking the speed of sound at each stroke. Whips!

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