rainbow training

some years ago pulled of the highway with friend to watch big rainbow, slowly disappeared. in companionship showed aptitude to see traces of rainbow, in barely places, very beautiful. double, triple rainbow, sundogs, later discovered x-rainbows, in more and more broad vanishment. imagined together training to see everywhere. and did some

few days ago, watched Imamura Shohei's Black Rain on a consumer trinitron monitor with subtle rainbow either from a magnetization or a deformation of the mask mesh. and was thinking already of the earlier reststop when at the end is said "if a rainbow appears she'll survive" in looking at a white sky, of course, I saw one

then yesterday I saw what might have been an aura coming out of a baby's eyes, though at first I thought it was some kind of skin translucence that looked like a turquoise eye liner, but it did not stay quite stay on but lagged behind the baby's movements and looks. the third or so time I've seen something like an aura, lifetime record, always this feeling of color turquoise, violet, translucence- before it had been complete outlines

in development a theory of what was seen, that if vision is like audition that I know more of, with ?10 times as many descending pathways as afferent ones, and as I had a teacher suggest, it could be thought then better of as a kind of controlled hallucination, the creation of new possible images to hallucinate with would allow new perceptions to be displayed 
[in notes here, brakhage saying that an artist should have been sent to film the moon, someone practicing showing unforseen things, avoiding recreating known things. that the moon films look to be reseeing scifi movie pictures from home]

will take down now Jaegers' The Human Aura, shelved in place since I bought it years before the reststop even for the one color plate aid, a field of yellow to stare at (I suppose the examination of after images (and other detritus) as things would allow an openign by which to see new) at a time when yellow was especially thought of
[back in here- ?edit with numbers when shelving system nomenclature is more established. 'building/room number', sign painter employment at university, and at library- book spines, square patch. 6 floors+ roof access]

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